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KeyQuant Inauguration

Portfolio managers Robert Baguenault de Viéville and Raphaël Gelrubin are pleased to announce the establishment of KeyQuant, a systematic investment manager based in Paris, France. KeyQuant has been registered with the French regulatory agency, Autorité des Marchés Financiers (“AMF”), which is mandatory for investment management companies based in France. The two PMs were previously partners at BGB and employed at Man-Fidex. Mr. Baguenault de Viéville holds a Masters Degree from HEC and an engineering degree from ESTACA. Mr. Gelrubin holds a statistical degree from ENSAE and a Masters degree in applied mathematics from the Université Paris Dauphine. KeyQuant has decided to delegate compliance, legal, operations, and risk management to Finaltis, so that the PMs can spend the first couple of years focused on ramping up the research and trading components of the business. Finaltis was established in 2001 and runs various systematic strategies.